From ordinary citizens' point of view the year of 2007 was one of many other tragic years since the inception of Pakistan. A scheme to murder judiciary that started in March culminated with broad day light killing of Supreme Court in November at the hands of a military dictator. Keeping with its traditions Pakistan witnessed the most tragic of deaths when Benazir Bhutto was killed in Rawalpindi at fateful Liaquat Bagh. But this is only a citizen's perspective on year 2007 and we have been told since our birth that citizens of Pakistan are nothing but stupid. Recently our dictator with absolute wisdom brought us to our senses by saying that we are not even humans.
From our dear dictator's point of view it was year of great successes with only few small failures such as July carnage in Karachi, sacking of 63 senior judges, October carnage in Karachi again and killing of BB in Rawalpindi. The successes included putting derailed democracy train back on tracks, getting rid of terrorist judiciary, imposition and lifting of emergency both in the interest of nation, delegation of power from General Musharraf to General (retd) Musharraf and last but not least solving BB's murder case within 72 hours with irrefutable evidence of an audio tape and a press conference by nervous and agitated Brigadier (retd) Cheema. A country where we are still unable to indentify murders of first prime minister of Pakistan Liaquat Ali Khan identifying BB's murders within 72 hours is no mean achievement in any respect. In order to appreciate these successes you need to be in ‘National Interest’ mode. Just the way our holy fathers claim that it is impossible for ordinary muslims to understand and appreciate all the wisdom stored in holy Koran likewise ordinary citizens can never ever understand why military dictators are indispensible for Pakistan.
This is what you get when you have unrepresentative and mediocre people at the helm of affairs. BB with all her defects had something that can be said as hope for Pakistan. After her return she travelled all four corners of Pakistan and tried all her best to unite people divided by tin-pot dictators. What her murder told us that military establishment can not understand any political figure that can unite people and has ability to bring politics from drawing rooms to streets. Any political leader making people as a source of power and can negotiate intelligently towards his/her political goals can not be tolerated at any cost. Lets be sure that military establish can go any length to preserve this status quo even at the cost of killing millions of people or disintegrating Pakistan. Only way to save Pakistan is to get Pakistan rid of military dictators once and for all. This could one and only new year’s resolution for all patriot Pakistanis if we want to save this beautiful country.
From our dear dictator's point of view it was year of great successes with only few small failures such as July carnage in Karachi, sacking of 63 senior judges, October carnage in Karachi again and killing of BB in Rawalpindi. The successes included putting derailed democracy train back on tracks, getting rid of terrorist judiciary, imposition and lifting of emergency both in the interest of nation, delegation of power from General Musharraf to General (retd) Musharraf and last but not least solving BB's murder case within 72 hours with irrefutable evidence of an audio tape and a press conference by nervous and agitated Brigadier (retd) Cheema. A country where we are still unable to indentify murders of first prime minister of Pakistan Liaquat Ali Khan identifying BB's murders within 72 hours is no mean achievement in any respect. In order to appreciate these successes you need to be in ‘National Interest’ mode. Just the way our holy fathers claim that it is impossible for ordinary muslims to understand and appreciate all the wisdom stored in holy Koran likewise ordinary citizens can never ever understand why military dictators are indispensible for Pakistan.
This is what you get when you have unrepresentative and mediocre people at the helm of affairs. BB with all her defects had something that can be said as hope for Pakistan. After her return she travelled all four corners of Pakistan and tried all her best to unite people divided by tin-pot dictators. What her murder told us that military establishment can not understand any political figure that can unite people and has ability to bring politics from drawing rooms to streets. Any political leader making people as a source of power and can negotiate intelligently towards his/her political goals can not be tolerated at any cost. Lets be sure that military establish can go any length to preserve this status quo even at the cost of killing millions of people or disintegrating Pakistan. Only way to save Pakistan is to get Pakistan rid of military dictators once and for all. This could one and only new year’s resolution for all patriot Pakistanis if we want to save this beautiful country.
My Wish List for 2008
Pakistan and India open borders like USA and Canada and we become the best friends in the world.
Pakistan shakes hands with Israel.
Whoever wins the elections I wish them best and I wish to stand behind them to give them the opportunity to prove them self.
I wish to see Pakistan politicians less corrupt.
I wish to see Free media matured.
I wish to see that every Pakistani on earth acts in the interest of Pakistan and Pakistan becomes friendly country to the world.
I wish we muslin learn to respect others religion and there worship places.
I wish to see end to extremism and wish to see Muslim scholars going after extremists.
I pray for all the poor of Pakista to have the best year in 2008.
I wish to see our faith for all is stronger than ever.
May I add another wish in your wish list.
I wish 2008 would be a year to rid Pakistan all kinds of millitary despotism once and for all. If we achieved that that would be the true independence day for Pakistan.
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