Other day one of my work colleagues during our lunch break said that she had previously thought Mohammad would be the most popular name in Pakistan. But judging from news coming out from Pakistan she realised that Musharraf is the most popular name in Pakistan, at least among the ruling elites of Pakistan. To explain her comments she said we had chief executive by the name of Musharraf in late nineties. At the same time we had Chief of Army Staff by the name of Musharraf. We also had some one called Musharraf as Joint Chief of Staff Committee at the same time. Our NSC is headed by someone named as Musharraf. Recently a new president has sworn in whose name is Musharraf.
Though facing these comments is one of the most embarrassing realities of any Pakistani working in western democracies yet I could not help admiring biting satire embedded in her comments. Without being flippant her comments helped me understand the true meanings of word omnipotent. Previously I thought omnipotence is an attribute that can only be attributed to God. I thank Musharraf of making us humans realise that we can share some of the attributes of God.
Like an omnipotent god Musharraf is everywhere. He is a soldier, president, prime minister, foreign minister, chief justice or any thing as occasion demands. He breaks laws and then promulgates laws. He offends and then judges his own offences 'in the best interest of his country'. As a self proclaimed saviour of nation he has to perform many task. He showed great 'courage' and 'resolve' to turn constitution into prostitution with the help of pimps like Sharifuddin Pirzada, Ahmed Raza Kasoori, Malik Qayyum and Waseem Sajjad but only for the 'greater interest of his nation'. He is multi-faceted person and has many heads like Medusa.
Like a person who always gives credit where credit is due I for one would like to give credit to Musharraf for his 'courage', 'resolve' and his untiring efforts 'in the best interest of his country' in following words:
Respect to your great place, and let the devil
Be sometime honoured for his burning throne.
(Measure For Measure, 5.1.290-1)
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