Just like fake and counterfeit medicine that instead of curing a disease makes conditions even worse for a patient same can be said about farce elections of January 2008. I often surprise myself by reading editorials of leading newspapers in Pakistan when almost all of them pinning all their hopes in forth coming elections as if these elections are going to achieve substantial results that can alleviate political turmoil in Pakistan. The scale of disillusionment is gripping this country from ordinary people to so called intelligentsia. This is a classic example of intellectual state of a nation that has been ruled by tin pot dictators since 1947. Instead of encouraging will of the people to be implemented opinion makers are looking towards new COAS to come to their rescue as if he would be any different from previous tin pot dictators. The honourable judges who said NO knew that very well that future of Pakistan lies with breaking the present status quo. In fact civil society in Pakistan have realised that without changing the present power structure in Pakistan nothing substantial can be achieved. Lets be sure without an iota of doubt that we can only secure the future of our coming generations by saying NO to all those forces who working overtime to give life safer to deteriorating status quo.
Lets see who are the main players trying to save this status quo. Military establishment in Pakistan, they would go to any length in order to save the status quo because they have been the biggest beneficiaries of current status quo in Pakistan. Religious parties which serve as political and private militias for military establishment in Pakistan. Feudalism and free democracy can not work together. Feudalism’s survival depends upon restricting free flow of information and free movement of people and that makes them natural partners of all the forces working to preserve the status quo. When I say feudalism I mean state of mind and all those forces who abhor freedom of information and movement are feudalistic in their mind set even if they are based in urban areas of Pakistan. Capitalists always advocate for liberal economic policies because these policies provide them all the freedom to exploit and plunder productive resources for their profit. They provide necessary finance for the forces of status quo to secure their position and in return they get absolute freedom to plunder.
Therefore expecting any thing good come out of the offices of new COAS is like living in a fools’ paradise. He would never commit a suicide not for rule of law and constitution. Religious parties would do every thing to keep masses from taking their political destiny in their own hands. Major politic parties are all part and parcel of status quo. The largest political party Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) can better be called a feudo-political party. Almost all of its top leadership including our daughter of the east hails from feudal background. Hoping that this feudal leadership will bring about radical changes in the power structure is like expecting from wolves to stop preying. As for capitalists represented by like of Nawaz Shrif are the life blood of this status quo. Their whole capitalistic empire depends upon the concessions and discounts granted by autocratic and dictatorial regimes.
Any rescue available now lies with people of Pakistan. They need to come out for their rights because only they have true and honest sensitivities to safe guard their constitutional rights. Feudo-political parties, military dictators, politico-islamic parties and capitalists have vested interested with this status quo and should never ever be entrusted noble cause of civil liberties for masses of Pakistan. Any student of history would tell us any movement that puts personalities in front of their principles will be source of despair and disillusionment. Therefore no one should be trusted and only undiluted implementation of constitution of Pakistan can guarantee their rights and secure the future of Pakistan.
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